We use different packaged products daily which directly lead to environmental deterioration; but who should be responsible for the reduction of harmful packaging materials? It is packaging created from recycled and renewable substances that is safe for both the environment and consumers. Packaging that is not environmentally friendly, such as chip bags, single-serving meals (in packages that are hard to recycle), or even pizza cartons, are examples of packaging that cannot be recycled. The ecosystem, particularly in the seas, doesn’t need any more rubbish, and the environment needs no more landfills. This is despite the fact that the people who make and use these packages may not be aware of this fact. As a result, more businesses should look into utilizing environmentally friendly packaging. These items are more reasonably priced, minimize recyclable waste, and are currently in high demand due to excess rubbish and landfills worldwide.

Even though a product must be protected, firms have gone too far with their packaging. Packaging will be reduced to a compostable bare minimum in the future, at least according to my opinion. There are many products that one looks at and wonders whether all the wrapping was necessary. While it is no doubt that using biodegradable packaging will be a little more expensive for the companies, the mileage that a company would get from investing in them is way better. People already know the effects of non-environmentally friendly packaging and are trying to avoid them (Morgan, 2021). A company investing in the newer packaging methods will show a huge sign of improved quality and will attract more consumers. Companies could also use their ability to use environmentally friendly wrappers to promote themselves as being concerned about the environment (Apte, 2019).

Using more eco-friendly packaging minimizes waste. Because these packets are easily recyclable, they save energy and pollution. Using recycled material reduces waste. Recycling helps minimize pollution from mining and processing virgin resources (Boulder County, 2021). Further, better packaging to recycle helps establish a more straightforward procedure to recycle garbage composed of already renewable and recyclable material. Non-biodegradable or recycled material contaminated with foodstuff or chemical treatments is disposed of in a landfill. Eco-friendly packaging minimizes garbage in dumpsters and is less harmful to the environment. Polylactic acids, which are renewable resources obtained from sugarcane or maize, are an example of an environmentally favorable substance (Singhvi et al., 2019). Bio-based polymers manufactured from polylactic acids, or PLA’s, are easy to incorporate into the packaging sector.

One other simple thing that seems to be forgotten is the population growth of the world. The population of the world has already grown significantly from the 20th century. The production and trash have also grown over three times from 1960 in America only (Trash Facts, n.d.). Almost all products require packaging. All the materials used in packaging ends up as waste. This means that all products used by the grown population lead to unwanted waste, and if the trend continues, it will not be sustainable. To save the environment, hazardous packaging has to be cut from the source; production. It rests on the companies to cut on hazardous packaging and go to environmentally friendly options.

Ultimately, firms play a significant role in the creation and usage of environmentally friendly recyclable packaging. There has been a massive increase in the number of packaging materials that may be recycled or are presently recycled. However, that is not enough. The aim should be totally eco-friendly packaging.

Works Cited:

Apte, S. (2019, January 30). 7 Advantages of Using Eco-Friendly Packaging. Small Business Bonfire

Boulder County. (2021, April 21). Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Boulder County

Morgan, B. (2021, April 19). Customers Hate Plastic Packaging, So Why Do Companies Keep Using It? Forbes

Singhvi, M. S., Zinjarde, S. S., & Gokhale, D. V. (2019). Polylactic acid: synthesis and biomedical applications. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 127(6), 1612–1626

Trash Facts. (n.d.)

Essay by: Niyazi Ibrahimov
ASU Tempe

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